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orion-list Re: Pseudo-Philo and Ruth
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A cry for help
In the course of doing research on the Book of Ruth, I have become aware that Pseudo-Philo apparently does not know of this book or does not consider it authoritative. While he (re)tells the Biblical history with considerable expansion, through the periods of the Judges and Kings, he does not include any part of Ruth in his story.
My question is: why not? After all, Josephus knows of RUth (although his story is quite different from ours). The author of Matthew seems to know of Ruth for she is mentioned in the genealogy of Jesus. There are Qumran fragments of Ruth at least one of which, I gather, is dated to 1st century BCE.
So, why does Pseudo-Philo (somewhere between 135 BCE and 70CE] not know of Ruth? Bibliographic and other suggestions would be welcome.
Thanks in Advance
Steve Oren
Chicago, IL
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