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orion-list Septuagint Paper Competition

The usual apologies for cross posting. Please distribute this reminder as you
see fit. Thank you.


The International Organization for Septuagint and Cognate Studies
is offering an annual prize of $250 to be awarded for an outstanding
paper in the field of Septuagint Studies. This field is construed broadly,
and a paper may focus on any aspect of the study of the Greek
translations of the Jewish Scriptures.  The IOSCS wants to encourage
the study of these translations by younger scholars, and eligibility is
thus limited to advanced graduate students or recent Ph.D. recipients
(3 years or less after receiving the degree). The papers will be judged
by a committee constituted of IOSCS members, and papers receiving
prizes will be published in an appropriate form in the following Bulletin
of the IOSCS. Depending on its assessments of the papers submitted,
the committee may decide not to award the prize in any given year.
The deadline for submission is August 31 of each year. Papers should
be sent either to Leonard Greenspoon, President IOSCS, The Klutznick
Chair in Jewish Civilization, Creighton University, Omaha, NE 68178 or
to Benjamin G. Wright, Department of Religion Studies, Maginnes Hall,
9 W. Packer Ave., Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA 18015.

Benjamin G. Wright, Associate Professor, Religion Studies,
Dept. of Religion Studies
9 W. Packer Ave.
Lehigh University
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Tel.: (610) 758-3344; Fax: (610) 758-3391

"Birthdays, you might as well get used to them 'cause
            they happen, ready or not." -Eeyore-

For private reply, e-mail to Benjamin Wright <bgw1@lehigh.edu>
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