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orion-list positions: cross-post from JSN
From: Jennie Jones <jc.jones@utoronto.ca>
Subject: Assistant Professorship in Biblical Hebrew Language & Literature
University of Toronto
Department of Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations
The Department of Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations invites applications
for a tenure-stream Assistant Professorship in Biblical/Classical Hebrew
Language and Literature.
Applicants must hold the PhD degree and be able to teach undergraduate and
graduate courses in Biblical Hebrew language and literature in the
historical and cultural context of the ancient Near East. Competence in
other Semitic languages and/or Hellenistic Greek is desirable.
The Department is seeking a scholar who will integrate the study of
Biblical Hebrew language and literature into existing departmental
programmes in ancient Near Eastern studies, including Archaeology and
Biblical Studies.
The position is effective July 1, 2001. Applications will be considered
by the Search Committee after October 15, 2000. Applicants are requested
to send a covering letter, together with a curriculum vitae, and to
arrange for three letters of reference to be sent directly to:
Professor Maria Subtelny
Chair, Department of Near & Middle Eastern Civilizations
University of Toronto
4 Bancroft Ave.
Toronto, ON M5S 1C1 Canada
In accordance with Canadian immigration policy, this advertisement is
directed to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada.
The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its
community. The University especially welcomes applications from visible
minority group members, women, Aboriginal persons, persons with
disabilities, and others who may contribute to further diversification of
From: Bruce Rosenstock <bbrosenstock@ucdavis.edu>
Subject: Lecturer in Hebrew
The Religious Studies Program at the University of California at Davis is
seeking to fill a position as part-time (75%) Lecturer in Hebrew beginning
in the fall 2000. The position is non-tenured with annual appointments
based on performance evaluation; after 18 quarters appointment will be for
3-yr. periods after evaluation. The Hebrew curriculum is a two-year
sequence and is part of a growing Jewish Studies Program. The position is
covered by a Union contract and includes health benefits.
We are seeking a person with native or near-native competence in spoken
and written Hebrew. Emphasis in teaching will be on the spoken language,
as well as reading skills. In the second year sequence, knowledge of the
history of modern Hebrew literature is useful.
Candidates are expected to demonstrate familiarity with current trends in
pedagogy and technology application. Relevant teaching experience
required. Ph.D. is desirable but not required.
The University of California at Davis is located one hour via Interstate
80 from Berkeley in the Sacramento valley.
Please send letter of interest and curriculum vitae, with names and
contact information of three references, to:
Bruce Rosenstock
Religious Studies
Sproul Hall
One Sproul Avenue
University of Californa, Davis
Davis, CA 95616
Email: bbrosenstock@ucdavis.edu
Applications must be submitted in hard copy, but email may be used to
expedite the application.
For private reply, e-mail to Avital Pinnick <mspinnik@mscc.huji.ac.il>
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