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orion-list Greek; maps; wicked priest

	1) More post-63 BCE Qumran datings come from Greek paleography. C.
H. Roberts in DJD III dated 7Q5 between 50 BCE and 50 CE. This is the ms
O'Callaghan said was Gospel of Mark; a few others agree; but it evidently
is not Mark; see, e.g. JBL 1999 no. 4. No NT text has been found at Qumran.
Some of O'Callaghan's other NT proposals were disproved in RQ no. 70 (1997)
by Muro and Puech, who confirmed that some 7Q fragments were from a Greek 1
Enoch ms. 7Q5, though not NT, was seen by many as paleographically late
enough to be in such an argument. Another example: Roberts as cited in HTR
70 (1977) on 4QLXXNumbers--" [to] the end of the first century BC or [to]
the opening part of the first century AD."

	2) Two interesting maps, perhaps somewhat useful for helping locate
the "land of Damascus" the house of exile in the midbar east of the Jordan
and north of Judaea.
	Only recently I located an article, which argues that M. Agrippa
was especially important as a source for Pliny's Natural History book 5.
Otto Cuntz, "Agrippa und Augustus als Quellenschriftsteller des Plinius..."
pp.473-527 + 3 maps in Jahrbucher fur classische Philologie (Leipzig)
suppl. 17, 1890. The map "Syria nach Agrippa" interestingly has 3 parts to
the province of Syria, Coele, Syria, and Phoenicia, with the city of
Damascus in the latter.
	That map may be too late though for the flight to Damascus. If
Jannaeus was the Qumran "wicked priest" more useful may be the maps in M.
Stern, "Judaea and her Neighbors in the Days of Alexander Jannaeus," ET
from Cathedra in Jerusalem Cathedra v.1 (1981) 22-46.

	3) In considering "wicked priest" possibly relevant texts include:
4Q448, either negative on Jonathan or, less likely (with the Eshels),
early, while still called by the name of truth (but, if it praises him,
what does it praise about him, or does it praise God?); 4Q523, maybe the
latter Jonathan (contra Puech), very fragmentary, but could be negative
--Gog, Magog, war, looting (?); Strabo (Stoic like Posidonius) positive on
Moses but specifically negative on Alexander (Jannaeus), Geography
16.2.36ff, a tyrant; Philo, Every Good Man is Free (Stoic maxim) 89:
"...many kings...have risen against this land [=Palestine Syria]. Some,
rivalling the most ferocious wild beasts in their cruelty....Others,
replacing frenzy and rage with another kind of
wickedness...hypocrisy....left as monuments to their wickedness....";
4QpNah lion; 4QpHab;1QpMicah; 4QpHos; 4QpIsa(a) (again. praising king or
God?); bQiddushin 66a; Josephus; CD; Copper Scroll kochlit; CD; 4QD; etc.


Stephen Goranson

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