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Re: orion-list Nova in Spring, 5 BCE?
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The Capricorn hypothesis (Foucquet 1729) is still under debate today.
REFERENCES (I can't guarantee that):
Bulmer-Thomas, Ivor 1992, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical
Vol. 33, p. 363
Clark, D. H., Parkinson, J. H. and Stephenson, F. R., "An Astronomical Re-
Appraisal of the Star of Bethlehem - A Nova of 5 BC," Quarterly Journal of
the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 18, 443-449,1977.
Cullen, C., "Can We Find the Star of Bethlehem in Far Eastern Records?,"
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 20,153- 159,1979.
Ferrari d'Occhieppo, K., "The Star of Bethlehem," Quarterly Journal of the
Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 19, 517-520, 1978.
Freitag, R. S., The Star of Bethlehem; A List of References, Washington: U.
S. Government Printing Office, 1979.
Hughes, David W. 1976, Nature, Vol. 264, p. 513;
- The Star of Bethlehem: An Astronomer'sConfirmation,
New York: Walker & Co., 1979.
- "When Was That Christmas Star?," Griffith Observer, December 1980, pp.
Humphreys, Colin J. 1991, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical
Vol. 32, p. 389Banos, G., "Was the Star of Bethlehem the Planet Uranus?,"
Astronomy Quarterly, vol. 3, 165-168, 1980.
Seymour, J. and Seymour, M. W., "The Historicity of the Gospels and
Astronomical Events Concerning the Birth of Christ," Quarterly Journal of
the Royal Astronomical Society, vol. 19,194-197,1978.
Sinnott, R. W., "Thoughts on the Star of Bethlehem," Sky and Telescope, vol.
36, 384-386, 1968.
----- Original Message -----
From: Tom Simms <tsimms@mailserv.nbnet.nb.ca>
To: <orion@mscc.huji.ac.il>
Sent: Saturday, December 25, 1999 6:18 PM
Subject: orion-list Nova in Spring, 5 BCE?
> Perhaps the season may have brought something to notice...
> Any late news on the Chinese accounts telling of a Nova seen over
> 70 days between March and May in 5 BCE?
> Is the constellation clearly shown & c.?
> I only know of it second hand from BM booklet on Halley's Comet.
> Thanks for any update,
> Tom Simms
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