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orion-list Philo

Dear Russell Gmirkin,

	Please do what you announced and send your proposals about "Every
Good Man Is Free" to a peer-reviewed scholarly journal. If the readers
accept it please let us know where it will appear. If the readers reject it
with comments, which, in my opinion, are not far to seek--for example, that
time and space considerations, among other things, exclude your
proposal--please consider their observations, which, perhaps, you could
share with Gregory Douda, whose latest announcement, I suggest, is

	People move and make life changes for lots of reasons besides
Flaccus. As Pliny's text says. As Shakespeare's text on commodity says. As
Gary Larsen and Charlie Brown maybe say somewhere. I'm too ill to look it
up now.

	Peacefulness and pacifism differ, at least in some definitions.

Stephen Goranson

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