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RE: orion-list Pacifism of Essenes deconstructed

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-----Original Message-----
From: Greg Doudna
To: 'orion@mscc.huji.ac.il'
Sent: 12/16/99 6:04 AM
Subject: orion-list Pacifism of Essenes deconstructed

The question to me is not whether this reading or interpretation
of the story is an obvious one but why it has never been 
mentioned (so far as I know) in any published literature on 
Essenes.  Is it the romanticizing of the Essenes that has
shaped responses to texts such as this in ways below 
consciousness, such that obvious readings are not simply 
rejected, but are literally not even seen such that they can 
be rejected?

Greg Doudna


You might want to take a look at Michael Wise's The First Messiah.  I'm just
starting to read it, and in leafing through I can't so far determine whether
he deals with the incident that you mention, but he does cast the first
messiah as a prophet named Judah related to the period in which you are

David Suter
Saint Martin's College
For private reply, e-mail to "Suter, David" <dsuter@stmartin.edu>
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