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orion-list Brill microfiche edition wanted

I am seeking to privately purchase a used Brill microfiche edition
of the Scrolls.  Paying retail from Brill for a new set is out of my 
price range.  I can pay low hundreds US dollars.  This is for use 
in the U.S. starting next month after my job (and visa) in Denmark
ends 31 Dec 1999.  Although leaving beautiful Copenhagen is
trauma enough, an even more distressing prospect is the lack of 
daily, same-room access to the Brill microfiche edition.  I am 
already beginning to feel withdrawal pangs.  Alternatively, if 
someone has a loaner set I would not only acknowledge in 
resulting publications but give a percentage of royalties which 
come from Qumran journal publications (sorry, bad joke).
Any responses to this request should be offlist please.
Also, I would like to hear from anyone who can advise as to 
university library facilities related to Qumran within driving 
distance from Tampa, Florida.  Thanks,

Greg Doudna

Gregory L. Doudna
Reseach Associate
U. of Copenhagen Dead Sea Scrolls Initiative
Kobmagergade 44-46         tel: (45) 35 32 36 34
1150 Kobenhavn K            fax: (45) 35 32 36 52
DENMARK                        email: gd@teol.ku.dk

For private reply, e-mail to Greg Doudna <gd@teol.ku.dk>
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