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orion-list DSS in Chicago

In conjuction with the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibition (March 10 - June 11,
2000) at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago
(http://www.fmnh.org), there will be a a series of symposia sponsored by
the Field Museum along with the University of Chicago's Divinity School and
the Oriental Institute.

Lecture Schedule

March 12: Inaugural Lecture Eric Meyers

March 19: The Site of Khirbet Qumran: Problems and Solutions Jim Strange,
Jodi Magness, Yitzhar Hirschfeld, Jim Phillips

April 2: The Scrolls and the Jews of Graeco-Roman Palestine Norman Golb,
James Kugel, Gene Ulrich, Michael Wise

April 16: The Scrolls and Christian Origins John Collins, Craig Evans,
James Vanderkam

May 7: Scrolls and Millenarianism Adela Collins, Michael Douglas, Eileen

May 14: Adjourning Lecture Emmanuel Tov

For more information contact the Oriental Institute Membership Office at
(773) 702-9513
For private reply, e-mail to "Charles E. Jones" <cejo@midway.uchicago.edu>
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