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RE: orion-list Verse & Prose in CD and 1 Enoch

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: David C. Hindley [mailto:dhindley@compuserve.com]
> Sent: Friday, November 12, 1999 8:18 AM
> To: orion@mscc.huji.ac.il
> Subject: RE: orion-list Verse & Prose in CD and 1 Enoch
> Yes, Isaac's translation has drawbacks. In spite of his 
> explanation for
> his decision to base his translation on a single manuscript 
> ("A" = Kebran
> 9/II, see _OTP_, vol. 1, pg. 6), it does not seem to make 
> sense to me in
> light of the fact that comparison with the Aramaic fragments 
> published in
> Milik's _The Books of Enoch_ (1974) clearly show that the 
> manuscript he
> used was defective! He relegates the omissions to footnotes 
> rather than
> emend the text. In fact, Charles' eclectic text(1898/1912), 
> based on late
> 19th/early 20th century scholarship, is much closer to the 
> Aramaic of the
> DSS than was Isaac's ms A.

There are obviously a number of issues behind the choice between an eclectic
text and a single text as the basis for an edition or translation.  In the
case of 1 Enoch, the issue becomes involved with the question of at what
point in a stream of tradition does one enter in order to study it.  If one
follows Kraft's method set forth in his essay on the Pseudepigrapha and
Christianity, there may well be reason to enter the Enoch stream with the
Ethiopic version, but clearly the Ethiopic, the Greek (including Syncellus),
and the Aramaic versions are separate versions, and any eclectic approach to
translation is highly artificial.  It might be best to offer independent
translations to reflect the different versions in an enterprise of the
nature of OTP.

David Suter
Saint Martin's College
For private reply, e-mail to "Suter, David" <dsuter@stmartin.edu>
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