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Re: orion-list a good introduction?

At 01:04 PM 9/25/99 EST, you wrote:
Alex Harvey wrote:
>Is there anyone out there who can recommend a good popular introduction to 
>this subject? There are so many books in print that expound the most 
>fanciful theories regarding the scrolls, their authors, the date of their 
>composition, and their significance that it's very hard to work out what the 
>"facts" of the matter are. (If indeed there are any as yet!)

I suggest that you check our web site. There is a bibliography on the
"Beginner's Guide to Scrolls."


Avital Pinnick, Ph.D.                             tel: 972-2-588-2063
Chief of Publications                             fax: 972-2-588-3584
Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Hebrew University
http://orion.mscc.huji.ac.il - DSS bibliography updated weekly
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