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Re: orion-list Tetragram and scribes

According to Tim Phillips:
> I am reading Golb, _Who Wrote the Dead Sea Scrolls_ and looked for an
> answer I did not find. I am not an expert, of course, but I have heard
> that there are several methods used in the scrolls to render YHWH:
> Palaeo-Hebrew script, dots, and script undistinguished from the
> surrounding text. (Yes? No?)

The methods are described, I believe, in Emanuel Tov, Textual criticism of
the Hebrew Bible (Minneapolis, MN: Fortress, 1992; revision of Hebrew

> Has anyone written concerning this? Would this not support Golb's
> position?

I don't quite see how. Perhaps you could elaborate? Or reference some
specific pages in Golb, even give quotes?

> Tim Phillips

Sigrid Peterson  UPenn  petersig@ccat.sas.upenn.edu

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