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Re: orion-list Radiocarbon
On Thu, 26 Aug 1999 13:47:54 +0200, gd@teol.ku.dk writes:
[... snip ... noted ...]
> There are indeed, of the nineteen Qumran texts which have
> been radiocarbon dated, five which gave AMS measurements
> whose two-sigma ranges are completely later than 63 BCE,
> even at their earliest end, according to the most current
> Seattle-Belfast calibration.
That leaves fourteen samples dated earlier. If a First C CE date
for the deposit is hypothesized, that argument is dead on its
face. Howover, any argument for a First C BCE deposit can only
be made if contamination of the samples was not taken into
account or can be shown to have occurred.
That argument has been made. We have no clear record of what
samples were contaminated with modern oils ands what were not.
Also, it appears that adequate decontamination protocols were not
followed. Professor Jull suggests that for a clear answer more
tests are necessary. I agree.
[... snip ... noted ...]
To add to the discussion, let me give a layman's view of how
strongly modern contamination from oil or smoke can affect
ancient meterials:
Consider a fiber such as a strand of papyrus,
diameter 1/1000th inch and coated with a film of
smoke 1/10,000th inch thick:
If a slice of the fiber is made, the area of
the diameter of the fiber plus its coating is:
Pi x (0.001 + 2 x 0.0001)Squared. (Remember
that the film is on all of the surface of the
The area of the fiber itself is:
Pi x (0.001)Squared.
So, the ratio of contamination to fiber is:
Pi x (0.001 + 2 x 0.0001)Squared - Pi x (0.001)Squared
------------------------------------------------------ =
Pi x (0.001)Squared
Pi x (0.0012)Squared - Pi x (0.001)Squared
------------------------------------------ =
Pi x (0.001)Squared
Pi x 0.00000144 - Pi x 0.00000100
----------------------------------- =
Pi x 0.00000100
Pi may be factored out, so we have
0.00000144 - 0.00000100 0.00000044 44
----------------------- = ---------- = --- = 44%!!
0.00000100 0.00000100 100
44% is no small figure.
> Greg Doudna
> Copenhagen
Instructive? See why taking contamination into account can
be so important?
Tom Simms
For private reply, e-mail to Tom Simms <tsimms@mailserv.nbnet.nb.ca>
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