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orion-list RE: Orion-list Writing System - Bib (Last Part)
Script as Identity
*Morison, Stanley. _Politics and Scripts: Aspects of authority
and freedom in the development of Graeco-Latin script from
the sixth century B.C. to the twentieth century A.D. The
Lyell Lectures 1957_. Nicolas Barker, ed. Oxford: Clarendon,
There are many problems with this work, the greatest
being that Morison ignores Semitic influences on Christian
script systems as well as Semitic influences on territorial
scripts systems in Greek and Latin. Nevertheless, the book is
essential if one wishes to understand the importance of script
as identity.
Martin, Henri Jean. _The history and power of writing_.
(Histoire et pouvoirs de l'ecrit, Paris: Perrin). Trans. Lydia
G. Cochrane. Chicago: U of C Press, 1994.
*Goody, Jack. _The logic of writing and the organization of
society_. Cambridge: CUP, 1986.
*- - -. _The interface between the written and the Oral. Cambridge: CUP,
Punctuation Systems
Parkes, Malcolm B. _Pause and Effect: An Introduction to the
History of Punctuation in the West_. Aldershot, Hants.: Scolar
Press, 1992.
As has been pointed out in the Bryn Mawr Review, while very
good for later (post 4th century CE) works in Latin, there are
problems with Parkes - he doesn't go back far enough (well,
Parkes is a specialist in Late Medieval Latin: he can't read
any Semitic language so he doesn't know that the medial point
as a word seperator dates back to Ugarit - as does the bar
as sense divider - both of which turn up in Rome as late as
the 1st century CE.)
Musical Notation/Psalms
Avenary, Hanoch. _Studies in the Hebrew, Syrian, and Greek liturgical
recitative. Tel-Aviv: Israel Music Institute, 1963.
*De Poli, Giovanni, Aldo Piccialli, and Curtis Roads. _Representations of
Musical Signals_. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1991.
The majority of early writing systems on the Asian side of the ANE
and in the West record the spoken word, the "music" of the
language(s) - a visual spectrophonogram or record of musical
signals. This book is more accessible to the average reader than
works on computer-voice interfaces and is quite helpful in under-
standing the rise and fall and the clumping and spacing of graphic
symbols in the early texts.
McKinnon, James. _Music in early Christian literature_. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 1987.
Stevens, John. _Words and Music in the Middle Ages: Song, Narrative, Dance
and Drama, 1050-1350. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1986.
*Wilson, Gerald H. _The Making of the Hebrew Psalter_. Chico, CA: Scholars
Press, 1985.
Religious music - and liturgies - begin with Enheduanna back
at Akkad. Wilson's book is essential to the study of these
*Van der Meer, Willem and Johannes C. de Moor. The Structural analysis
of Biblical and Canaanite Poetry. Sheffield: JSOT, 1988. 1-61.
Parsing Rhythms
*Southworth, James, G. _Verses of Cadence: An Introduction to the Prosody
of Chaucer and his followers_. Oxford: Blackwell, 1954.
While this one may seem odd to find here, English and Hebrew (and
Modern Italian) share similar (not identical, but very similar)
parsing rhythms. As the MSS show that English parsing rhythms
were already set in this pattern - at least in Northumbrian and
Mercian [Mod. Eng is descended from Mercian] by the 7th century,
a study of Chaucerian English is not anachronistic and is quite
helpful in examining the early Hebrew parsing rhythms that show up
in the Q texts. (I believe that someone has been working on the
subject of Hebrew parsing rhythms, in Hebrew - and thus is not all
that accessible.)
I wanted to put Akkadian, Sumerian, and Ugaritic epigraphic material on as
well - but my floppy drive is still recalcitrant. Besides, this is already
long enough.
Hope this helps,
Dr. Rochelle I. Altman, co-coordinator IOUDAIOS-L risa@hol.gr
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