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Re: orion-list writing systems (4 screens)

Avital wrote:
> At 09:40 PM 8/19/99 -0400, Rochelle wrote:
> >> Why don't I scan in all three and then someone (Dave???) can put them on
> >> his or her site for a few days.
> If that doesn't work out, I'm certainly willing to put scans on the Orion
> web site. I'm on-line every day except shabbat and it would only take a few
> minutes. 

I think that would be a better option, as I'm running a tad short on 
web space and am getting ready to use up a bunch on a fairly large 
New Testament manuscript project.  They might be more 
accessible to more people via Orion's site, as well.

Rochelle, please contact me off-list about that book we were 

Dave Washburn
"Oh, no!  They've all become giant Swiss lederhosen-clad
dancing yodelers!"  "Talk about unpredictable!" - P&B
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