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orion-list writing systems, details

	R. Altman, you write:

> I did not identify the text as 1QS - Bob and Greg did. I also made
> it explicitly clear that my photos of, and notes on, this document
> are quite old and it was referred to as "The Manual of Discipline"
> OR "The Community Rule." As you may have noted, after jumping on the
> id as from 1QS (including identifying graphs in some of the appropriate
> lines), Greg has now changed his mind. You are probably correct in
> your id of "column one of 1QSa, 1Q28a . . .
	On 10 Aug you wrote:  

		". . . try the title page of the so-called "Manual of

	It is the so-called Manual of Discipline which always in Qumran
	discussions refers to 1QS.  The more recent name is "the
	Community Rule."  When one uses either of these terms 
	Qumran scholars think of 1QS, not 1QSa.  Your identification of 
	your references as Manual of Discipline caused both
	Bob Kraft and me some time checking, being puzzled by, and
	loss of listmembers time by discussing the wrong text.  I do
	not mind the time loss from an honest mistake, which anyone
	can make.  But I do mind being blamed for your mistake.  I
	would think a simple "excuse me" to Bob and I for leading us
	in circles would be more appropriate.

	Greg Doudna

> serek ha'edah (called rule of
> the congregation and sometimes called an appendix to 1QS.)"
> Note that whether one calls it "the rule of the congregation" or
> "the community rule" or "the manual of discipline." my comment on
> the translation of the incipit still holds true.
> Thanks for your input,
> Rochelle
> --
> Dr. Rochelle I. Altman, co-coordinator IOUDAIOS-L  risa@hol.gr

For private reply, e-mail to Greg Doudna <gd@teol.ku.dk>
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