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Re: orion-list Pliny Qumran analysis (A. Baumgarten question)

	I read your proposal with much interest. Pliny's sources obviously
cannot be limited to Latin, as they plainly include many Greek sources.
	And, as Greg Doudna wrote, finally:
"Finally, the Qumran texts pretty obviously are related to the Essenes, [....]"
	I have not studied all of the sources of Pliny--he names so many of
	So, if I may ask:
1) Are there indications that Pliny used Syriac sources?
2) Are there indications of the meaning you raise in any Qumran Aramaic texts?
3) Is the Syriac meaning you raise attested early enough to have been used
by a source from the time of Herod the Great?

Stephen Goranson

P.S. As you may recall, I very very speculatively suggested a slight
possibility of a play on Tamar as feminine, prior to M. Agrippa.

For private reply, e-mail to stephen goranson <goranson@duke.edu>
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