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orion-list "fortress" misleading?
This may be well known to both Stephen Goranson and Greg Doudna, but I'll
have to plead ignorant: Why does the word fortress become misleading when
used by Israelis? What issue of BAR is referred to?
Soren Holst
> -----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
> Fra: stephen goranson [SMTP:goranson@duke.edu]
> Sendt: 9. august 1999 14:14
> Til: orion@mscc.huji.ac.il
> Cc: goranson@duke.edu
> Emne: Re: orion-list Qumran analysis/ Bar Adon
> Greg Douda, in an attempt to further his interpretation of Kh.
> Qumran, cited the late Mr. Pessah Bar-Adon.
> Still, no recognition that
> the use of the word "fortress" in Israeli publications can be quite
> misleading, as, Greg Doudna surely knows, was discussed, for example,
> in BAR by J. Magness, Y. Hirschfeld, J. Patrich, and H. Eshel.
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