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orion-list AIAR fellowships
Appl. Deadline Date
Annual Professorship 10/15/99
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships 10/15/99
Samuel H. Kress Fellowship 10/15/99
Samuel H. Kress Joint Athens/Jerusalem Fellowship 10/30/99
James A. Montgomery Fellow and Program Coordinator 10/15/99
George A. Barton Fellowship 10/15/99
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellowships 4/1/00
*United States Information Agency Fellowships:
Junior Research Fellowships 10/15/99
Associate Fellowships (Junior and Senior) 4/15/00
*Islamic Studies Fellowship 10/15/99
For information and application forms write to:
W.F. Albright Institute
656 Beacon Street, 5th Floor
Boston, MA 02215-2010
Phone: (617) 353-6572
Fax: (617) 353-6575
E-mail: asor@bu.edu
Or visit our website at:
*Council of American Overseas Research Centers Multi-Country
Research Fellowships 12/31/98
*Awards subject to the availability of funds.
1. Annual Professorship: $30,000 award.
The stipend is $17,000 plus $13,000 for room and
half-board for appointee and spouse at the
Institute. Open to post-doctoral scholars in Near
Eastern archaeology, geography, history, and Bibli-
cal studies. U.S. citizens are eligible for
entire award. Non-U.S. citizens may apply but, by
U.S. law, are only eligible for non-governmental
funds (totalling $15,000). Appointment: 10
months. The professorship period should be con-
tinuous, without frequent trips outside the
country. Application deadline: October 15, 1999.
2. National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships:
$60,000 for two awards (maximum stipend is $30,000 for 12
Open to scholars in the fields of Near Eastern
archaeology, anthropology, geography, ancient his-
tory, philology, epigraphy, Biblical studies,
Islamic studies, religion, art history, litera-
ture, philosophy or related disciplines holding a
Ph.D. (or equivalent) as of January 1, 2000, who
are U.S. citizens (or alien residents residing in
the United States for the last three years).
Research project must have a clear humanities
focus. Research period: four to twelve months
(stipend varies with the duration of the fellow-
ship). Residence at the Institute is preferred.
The research period should be continuous, without
frequent trips outside the country. Application
deadline: October 15, 1999.
3. Samuel H. Kress Fellowship: $16,500 award.
The stipend is $9,800; remainder ($6,700) is for
room and half board at the Institute. Disserta-
tion research fellowship for students specializing
in architecture, art history and archaeology.
Applicants must be U.S. citizens, or North
American citizens studying at U.S. universities.
Research Period: 10 months. Research project
must have a clear focus on art history or architec-
ture. The research period should be continuous,
without frequent trips outside the country. Appli-
cation deadline: October 15, 1999.
4. Samuel H. Kress Joint Athens-Jerusalem Fellowship:
$15,000 award.
A joint fellowship for research at the American
School of Classical Studies in Athens and at the
W.F. Albright Institute of Archaeological Research
in Jerusalem. The stipend is $8,300; remainder is
for room and board at the two institutions. Pre-
doctoral research fellowship for students special-
izing in art history, architecture, archaeology or
classical studies who are U.S. citizens, or North
American citizens studying at U.S. universities.
Research period: 10 months (5 months in Athens, 5
months in Jerusalem). The research period should
be continuous, without frequent trips outside
Greece and Israel. Application deadline: October
29, 1999.
5. James A. Montgomery Fellow and Program Coordinator:
$14,000 award.
The stipend is $7,300; remainder ($6,700) is for
room and half-board at the Institute. Open to
pre-doctoral students and post-doctoral scholars
specializing in Near Eastern archaeology,
geography, history and biblical studies.
Recipient is expected to assist the Albright Direc-
tor in planning and implementing the Ernest S.
Frerichs Program for Albright Fellows. Research
period: 10 months. The research period should be
continuous, without frequent trips outside the
country. Application deadline: October 15, 1999.
6. George A. Barton Fellowship: $6,000 award.
The stipend is $2,650; remainder is for room and
half-board at the Institute. Open to seminarians,
pre-doctoral students and recent Ph.D. recipients
specializing in Near Eastern archaeology,
geography, history and biblical studies. Research
period: 5 months. The research period should be
continuous, without frequent trips outside the
country. Application deadline: October 15, 1999.
7. Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellowships: $34,500
for three awards.
The fellowships are open to Bulgarian, Czech,
Hungarian, Polish, Romanian, and Slovak scholars.
Candidates should not be permanently resident out-
side the six countries concerned, and should have
obtained a doctorate by the time the fellowship is
awarded. Fellows are expected to reside at the
Albright if room is available. Each fellowship is
for three months, during one of the following
periods: 1 September - 30 November 2000; 1 Decem-
ber 2000 - 28 February 2001; and 1 March - 31 May
2001. The research period should be continuous,
without frequent trips outside the country. Appli-
cation deadline: April 1, 2000.
8. *Islamic Studies Fellowship: $20,000 award.
The stipend is $12,200; remainder is for room
and half board at Institute. Candidates must have
expertise in research and teaching in Islamic
archaeology, art and architecture. During the
period of the appointment, the Fellow will teach
regular courses in the Department of Archaeology
at one of the local Palestinian universities, as
well as conduct seminars at the Albright and other
local academic institutions. Research period: 10
months. The research period should be continuous,
without frequent trips outside the country. Appli-
cation deadline: October 15, 1999.
9. *United States Information Agency Fellowships:
a. Junior Research Fellowships: $48,000 for three
awards. The stipend is $9,300; remainder ($6,700)
is for room and half-board at the Institute. Open to
pre-doctoral students and recent Ph.D. recipients
in Near Eastern Studies who are U.S. citizens.
Research period: 10 months (or 5 months at $8,000).
The research period should be continuous, without
frequent trips outside the country. Application
deadline: October 15, 1999.
b. Associate Fellowships: Six senior and seven
junior fellowship administrative fee awards.
Application deadline: April 15, 2000.
10. Associate Fellowships: No stipend.
Open to senior, post-doctoral, and pre-doctoral
researchers. Administrative fee required (USIA
subventions may be available). Application dead-
line: April 15, 2000.
12. *Council of American Overseas Research Centers
(CAORC) Fellowships for Advanced Multi-country Research.
Eight awards of up to $6,000 each, with an addi-
tional $3,000 for travel. Open to scholars pursu-
ing research on broad questions of multi-country
significance in the fields of humanities, social
sciences, and related natural sciences in
countries in the Near and Middle East and South
Asia. Doctoral candidates and established
scholars with US citizenship are eligible to apply
as individuals or in teams. Preference will be
given to candidates examining comparative and/or
cross-regional questions requiring research in two
or more countries. Application deadline: 31
December 1999. For information and application,
write to: The Council of American Overseas
Research Centers (CAORC), Smithsonian Institution,
IC 3123 MRC 705, Washington D.C., 20560. (E-mail:
caorc@coarc.org. Web: www.caorc.org).
*Award subject to availability of funds.
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