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Re: orion-list Re: self-definition
Stephen Goranson, as is his habit, has failed to respond to any of the
substantive issues I raised in my recent post, studiously avoiding commenting
on the Samaritan references to Essenes as "Hasidim" or on the Hasidim as
successors to the "volunteers for the law" at 1 Macc. 2:42.
Stephen takes issue my referring to the phrase "doers of the law" as a
commonplace. It is a common phrase in the Hebrew Bible, a fact of which
Stephen is surely aware. My exact quote, in context, read as follows:
> In my opinion, Stephen has never satisfactorily demonstrated that
> the common phrase "doers of the law" was a true designation
> of the scrolls sect as opposed to a mere stock description of the sect
> using Biblical language on a par with "righteous", "faithful" etc.,
> terminology all scarcely the monopoly of any one single Jewish sect.
I stand by the above statement.
Russell Gmirkin
For private reply, e-mail to RGmyrken@aol.com
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