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orion-list Hasmonean Bible
As the readers of this list are well aware, the last 25 years has seen
new paradigms advanced, positing that the OT is a Post-Exilic creation
dating anywhere from the 6th through 1st centuries BCE, by scholars like
Phillip R. Davies, Niels Peter Lemche, Frederick Cryer, and Thomas L.
I am now offering to those who may have an interest, the latest revision
and expansion of my paper titled Fulfilled Prophecy and the Old
Testament, Clue's to the Bible's Hasmonean and Herodian Origins. The
first draft of this paper (28pp., 18 Apr. 1999) was offered earlier on
this list and it is now some 47 pages. In this work I argue that the
writers of the OT are using 'prophecy-after-the fact' to portray God as
the only god who can predict the future hundreds of years in advance and
then bring the prophecies into realization. My research suggests that
many of these prophecies are realized by the Hasmoneans (BCE 164-64),
thus dating the OT to this period of time. Furthermore, some prophecies
are realized as late as 23 BCE indicating Herodian redactions within the
OT. I thus understand the Qumranic Dead Sea Scrolls to be the original
drafts of what was to become our Bible.
For those may have missed earlier papers offered on this list, still
available are:
Smoking Guns, Clues to the Old Testament's Hellenistic, Hasmonean and
Herodian Origins ( a manuscript of 177 pp., 1998). In this work I
identify as embedded within the OT Greek concepts: Homeric, Hesiodic,
Socratic, Platonic, Stoic and Epicurean, in regards to the OT's
portrayal of the relationship between Man, God and the Cosmos.
Collapsing Paradigms, Lying Witnesses and Confused Scholars (28 pp.
1999) argues that the LXX is not a 3rd century BCE creation and that Ben
Sira is a late 1st century BCE creation; thus, the notion that the OT is
a pre-Hasmonean creation and prior to the 3rd century BCE is an
untenable position.
All of the above papers are available, free of charge, as e-mail
attachments in either RTF or ASCII format.
Please do not send your requests to this list.
Please do send your requests to:
Respectfully submitted,
Walter Reinhold Warttig Mattfeld
Walldorf by Heidelberg
For private reply, e-mail to Walter Mattfeld <mattfeld@mail.pjsnet.com>
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