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Re: orion-list Re: self-definition
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Based upon R. Bergmeier [Die Essenerberichte des Josephus, Kampen 1993],
Johann Maier [Die Texte vom Toten Meer, vol. III, Munich 1996] argues, that
the distinguishable, already Jewish-Hellenistic colored four (or more?)
sources used and combined by Josephus to develop his fairytale 'Essenes'
would require a differentiation of the political and philosophical groups
(or schools) laying behind it. That seems to be a still undone job.
Now what are we talking about when thinking of constructed Essenes? And what
are such duck tales good for? Doubtlessly not for classical duck hunting...
Or is Bergmeier's research obsolete again?
For private reply, e-mail to "Dierk" <haGalil@gmx.net>
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