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Re: orion-list Re: self-definition
Mr Goranson,
Sorry for the delay in response, but thank you for your last message.
>I'm not sure I understand your requests for statistics.
I gather my idea regarding a statistical analysis of usage of the "doers"
terminology in the scrolls is not seen as useful.
Is your "doers" used more than other self-references? eg "elect", "poor",
"righteous", and various more complex formulae.
How do you consider that "doers" developed to be the one and not one of the
What in the usage of the term 'osey hatorah makes you think that it had
special significance?
>There are some doers of His will (including Oni the Circle-drawer)
>and one could look again at anshe ma'ase, men of deed. Or note the
>approximate parallel texts bSota 22 (I think), Avot de R. Natan 37 A
>(ayin-sin-aleph-nun-yod) etc. against separatists who ask what is my duty
>that I may do it, and the like, and look for echoes. Or look at the debate
>whether study of torah or doing of torah is more important. And ask why
>orthodox Jews would not generally credit Essenes doing torah and how many
>orthodox patristic Christian texts lost interest, though Apostolic
>Constitutions says Essenes did torah.
This last, though late, is nice.
Is anyone else said to have done torah?
>One could note the apologetic texts
>of Philo (which do not name Pharisees nor Sadducees) sometimes presenting
>Essenes as if Jews par excellence
This in itself is quite notable, ie that Philo would acknowledge the Essenes
and not either the Pharisees or the Sadducees. It would be worthwhile
contemplating why this is so.
Thank you again.
Ann L. Kraemer
| To fear the Lord is the root of wisdom |
| and her branches are long life. |
| Ben Sira 1,20 |
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