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orion-list Were DSS Expansions? Was TOR in the future?
I think I may have posted about this a while ago, but I am still
interested......I have long wondered how much sanctity the believers in the
DSS ascribed to their re-worked versions of the Torah, and the
aprocryphal/pseudipigraphical works. If they weren't valued to the same
extent as the Torah or the rest of scripture, did those works reflect
"commentaries" or "koines" or expansions that incorporated commentary in a
way similar to rabbinic midrashic works?? Thus, when we find a re-worked
version of Deuteronomy or such, was this really a competing version of the
Bible itself, or just a "midrashic" version? Indeed, this question could be
asked of the Samaritan Torah too; Moses Gastner argued that it was an
expansion document that came to be the official canonized version for the
When it comes to the Damascus Document, some like Prof. Benzion Wacholder
believe it to reflect a discussion of the messianic future rather than the
past. I have wondered why that is still questionable....isn't the grammar
of the DD rather obvious one way or the other?
David Goldman
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