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orion-list Re: self-definition
I will have to consult the reference materials when I can.
I note your enthusiasm for the etymology. Are you the person who is
(re-)proposing this etymology for Essene? If this is so, have you done any
statistics on the usage of 'osey hatorah in the scrolls corpus? There seem
to be quite a lot of phrases that the Essenes used for themselves. What is
special in 1QpHab 7,11 and 8,1 (these are your reference in 1QpHab, are they
not?) that signals more significance in the first part of the phrase, 'osey
hatorah, than any of the others? It would appear to me that what you are
making a self-reference is normal biblical phraseology, eg Deut 29,29 "that
we may do ('asah) all the words of this law"; Num 6,21 referring to
Nazirites, "so shall he do according to the law"; Deut 31,12 "fear the Lord
your God and be careful (shamar) to do ('asar) all the words of this law".
'asar is a relatively common verb.
Like most other people reading the Qumran literature, I have no proposals
that accord with the evidence.
I did retry the article you wrote, but couldn't see any reference to the
Essene etymology proposal.
(Thank you Mr O'Sullivan for your help finding the article.)
Ann L. Kraemer
| To fear the Lord is the root of wisdom |
| and her branches are long life. |
| Ben Sira 1,20 |
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