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orion-list web page searching
To the web masters on list, I thought you may be interested in a free
service which will spider and index your web site- and provide you with a
simple html code to place a search box on your web page. visitors to your
site will then be able to search it without you needing to have a cgi bin
with your provider.
if you want to take a look at the search service you can visit my web page
where i have just today added the html code for this search service. or you
can go directly to the service provider at:
you enter your url- and your email address- and then they send the html code
and you can have your site spidered and indexed on any regular basis you
choose (if you update your site).
Again- this service is free (and I am in no way connected with it- i simply
pass on the information in case someone is interested).
Best, and sorry for cross postings.
Jim West, ThD
email- jwest@highland.net
web page- http://web.infoave.net/~jwest
For private reply, e-mail to Jim West <jwest@highland.net>
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