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RE: orion-list Orion-list: Jordan in DSS
The reference in Aramaic Enoch (1 Enoch 6:5-6) to the descent
(presupposing YRDW in Hebrew) of the Watchers on Mount Hermon potentially
includes in its range of puns the name of the Jordan, given the
association of the myth in the passage with the descent of the snow, etc.,
on the mountain (included explicitly in Syncellus -- "There will descend
on it [Mount Hermon, where the angels took the oath] neither cold, nor
snow, nor frost, nor dew, unless they descend on it in malediction, until
the day of the Great Judgement") and latter on with the waters of Dan
(see 13:8). (The translation is by Milik, Books of Enoch, p. 318).
David Suter
Saint Martin's College
> I am currently investigating the role of the river Jordan in the DSS.
> Does anyone have information on this or references that may be helpful?
> Thanks in advance,
> Marco Rotman
For private reply, e-mail to "Suter, David" <dsuter@stmartin.edu>
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