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Re: orion-list VanderKam on Essene etymology in DSS After 50 yrs. v. 2
At 06:26 AM 05/12/1999 -0500, you wrote:
>The Dead Sea Scrolls After Fifty Years: A Comprehensive Assessment, volume
>2 is now available. (Peter Flint and James VanderKam, ed.; Leiden: Brill,
>1999). This large volume includes much of interest, IMO.
I have a few questions:
1. When did the first volume come out?
2. How much and how large are they?
3. Where can they be purchased? How much?
Moshe Shulman mshulman@ix.netcom.com 718-436-7705
http://www.chassidus.net Chassidus Website
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