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Re: SV: orion-list CD "B" text; "Herodian" lamps
Dear Greg,
1) I quoted Joseph Baumgarten on CD merely because you invited information.
May I ask: Are you proposing either a date or a place for the CD B text?
2) A long time ago, if I recall correctly, you wrote skeptically (correct
me if that's inaccurate) about "Herodian" period occupation at Qumran,
specifically mentioning oil lamps.
Perhaps it is worth mentioning, in case you haven't seen it, that
Robert Donceel gives a (rough) drawing of a "Herodian" lamp, Kh.Q. 2662
from Qumran tomb 26, on page 92 of "Poursuite des travaux de publication du
materiel archeologique de Khirbet Qumran: les lampes in terre-cuite" in
Mogilany 1995: Papers on the Dead Sea Scrolls offered in memory of Aleksy
Klawek (Z. Kapera ed.; Krakow: Enigma, 1998) 87-121,
"Herodian" I put in qotation marks, since, as you may agree, the
name can be somewhat misleading. This type of wheel-made, knife-pared
ceramic oil lamp is primarily attested in first century CE, with some
examples known from approximately two decades before and after that
century. This, according to Eric Lapp, The Archaeology of Light: The
Cultural Significance of the Oil Lamp from Roman Palestine (Duke U. Ph. D.
dissertation, 1997).
Stephen Goranson
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