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orion-list 2Macc's "Daphne near Antioch"
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2Macc 4:33 says: "When (HP) Onias (III.) became fully aware of these acts he
publicly exposed them, having first withdrawn to a place of sanctuary
(Apollo & Artemis) at Daphne near Antioch." [RAPC]
Which sacrosanct Daphne near Antioch was probably meant?
- Daphne near Antioch at the Orontes, the capital city of the Seleucid
Empire in the days of Antiochus IV. Epiphanes?
- Daphne near Antioch at the (Lake of) Semechonitis close to the border of
the Damascene? [Strabo Geography 9.1.6 (Loeb)]
Dr. rer. nat. Dierk van den Berg
Heinrich Heine University Duesseldorf
For private reply, e-mail to "Dierk" <haGalil@gmx.net>
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