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Thought some may be interested in this Discovery Channel announcement:
Dead Sea Scrolls: Unraveling the Mystery
With new technologies, researchers are able to decipher the cryptic meaning
of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Since discovered in 1947, the scrolls, which shed
light on the beginnings of Judaism and Christianity, have attracted
unparalleled attention.
Air Time(s) Eastern/Pacific Time:
DSC - 26 Apr 1999 - 09:00 PM
DSC - 26 Apr 1999 - 12:00 AM
Jim West, ThD
Petros Baptist Church- Pastor
Quartz Hill School of Theology- Adjunct Prof. of Bible
fax- 978-231-5986
email- jwest@highland.net
web page- http://web.infoave.net/~jwest
For private reply, e-mail to Jim West <jwest@highland.net>
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