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Re: orion-list Allegro question
According to the New York Times of Feb. (Tues.) 23(?) 1988, Allegro, aged
65 "died Wednesday"... "at his home [Isle of Man?] on his birthday....No
cause of death was given [in published notices]."
I don't know what documents are at Manchester, but, if Ph. Davies is
writing a biography, perhaps he can give a more informed answer.
Stephen Goranson
> Concerning John Allegro, the editor of DJD V, does anyone
> know (a) the year of Allegro's death; (b) where he was when
> he died, and (c) cause of death (or circumstances)?
> Thanks--
> Greg Doudna
For private reply, e-mail to stephen goranson <goranson@duke.edu>
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