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orion-list Orion Center Announcements
Orion Center Coffee hour talks: spring session
All coffee and discussion hour talks will take place 12:00 - 13:00,
rm. 6115 (scholars room), Humanities Wing, Mt. Scopus campus, Hebrew
Dr. Rebecca Lesses
Visiting Scholar
"Sorcery in First Enoch" (in English)
Mr. Shahar Shapira
Orion Center Associate
"The Internal Water System and its Implications for Water Pools as Ritual
Baths in Qumran" (in Hebrew)
Mr. Uri Yiftach
Orion Center Scholar
"Love and Sex in Greek Marriage Documents in Egypt" (in Hebrew)
Mr. Michael Segal
Orion Center Scholar
"Issues in Rewritten Bible" (in Hebrew)
Prof. Esther Menn
Visiting Scholar
"David and the Temple in the Rabbinic Psalms Commentary" (in English)
Lectures sponsored by the Orion Center and the Shrine of the Book, Israel
Adela Y. Collins
"Why Did the Jews Accept Jesus?"
John J. Collins
"Messianic Figures in Second Temple Judaism"
Program in English
Tuesday, May 4, 1999, 16:00
Springer Auditorium, Israel Museum
Lectures to be followed by a panel discussion
There is an entrance fee to the museum.
Greenfield Scholars Seminar
Prof. Michael Stone
Dept. of Armenian Studies
"Apocryphal Elements in the Armenian Tradition" (in Hebrew)
Rm. 5411 (meeting room of the Dean's Office)
Humanities Wing, Mt. Scopus Campus
University faculty and research students are invited to attend.
For private reply, e-mail to Avital Pinnick <mspinnik@mscc.huji.ac.il>
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