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Tom Simms
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Date: Sun, 21 Mar 1999 21:22:36 -0400
From: Mac Trueman <mtrueman@nbnet.nb.ca>
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Subject: Newspaper feature on Tom Simms
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My newspaper story on Tom Simms and his quest for Nefertiti is
scheduled for Monday's Saint John Times Globe. Although there is no way
of knowing this for certain until the editor is done with it tomorrow,
the story should appear in the newspaper's web page, at
www.timesglobe.com, which is posted sometime in the afternoon, by the
Saint John clock.
My thanks to everybody for their help with this project,
particularly to Mr. Simms and his unlimited energy.
Yours truly,
Mac Trueman
Staff writer
Saint John Times Globe
For private reply, e-mail to Tom Simms <tsimms@mailserv.nbnet.nb.ca>
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