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Re: orion Qumran and Exodus 32
Dr. Antti Laato, Exegetics Dept, Abo Akademi Univ
Biskopsg 16 Abo Fin 20500
Dr Laato:
In addition to 2Exod(a) published in DJD III:52 and also
4paleoExod(m) in DJD Vol XIV that Washburn cited below, there is also
a tiny fragment
cited in Martinez (p. 483)
4Q141 = 4QPhyl-n
(piece of a phylactery from Deuteronomy 32:14-20 which included the phrase
"Yacov ate his fill" absent from the Samaritan Gk Pentateuch)
"[from the flock, with the fat ]of lambs and rams, Bashan bulls and goats,
combined with the choicest wheat, you drank fine wine from the blood of
grapes, Jeshurun grew fat and kicked, Yacov ate his fill, you too grew
fat, bloated and gorged and abandoned the Elohim that made him; he scoffed
at the Rock of his Salvation; they made him zealous for foreign gods, and
provoked him [with abominable practices] they sacrificed to [daemons], not
Elohim, to gods they never knew before, yea to those who had arrived of
late, whom your ancestors had not feared; unmindful were you of the rock
that bore you, and you forgot the Elohim who gave you birth. YHWH saw it,
and became wroth; he spurned his sons and daughers and said, I shall hide
my [face]..."
also on the reverse side of this phylactery fragment there is a small
portion of text from Deut 32:32-33
"[from the vinestock] of Sodom, from the vineyards of Gomorrah, their
grapes [are] grapes of poison, their clusters [are bitter], their wine is
the poison [of serpents] the cruel venom [of asps]"
There seems to be also some portions of Deut 32: 8ff in the fragment
collection 4Q45 = 4QpaleoDeut-s (DJD IX;131-152);
However I cannot see any direct reference to Aaron or the sons of Aaron
directly; only reference to worshipping Canaanite gods foreign to YHWH
(v.15b to 19a) and the reader is left to wonder which apostasy "in the
desert" is meant (or perhaps only a generalised apostasy is referred to
here). Certainly placement of this ancient hymn by the Deuteronomist (who
is the so-called Shilonite priest-editor/writer, who echoes Jeremiah in
tone and language) was meant to refer to the apostasy c. 620BCE responsible
for the Babylonian Exile (587BC)----certainly much later than the time of
Any comments?
---------------------- Forwarded by Donald Goodell/Ascend/US on 02/17/99
11:48 AM ---------------------------
"Dave Washburn" <dwashbur@nyx.net> on 02/14/99 08:45:53 AM
Please respond to orion@mscc.huji.ac.il
To: orion@mscc.huji.ac.il
Subject: Re: orion Qumran and Exodus 32
> Does anyone know whether Exodus 32 and, in particular, Aaron's role there
> has been treated in Qumran's writings?
Not as far as I have been able to find. The only fragment of Exod
32 is 2QExod(a), published in DJD 3 p. 52, but it's so fragmentary
as to be of little use, at least textually. However, you might also
check out 4QpaleoExodus(m) in DJD 14; I haven't had a chance to
look at that one yet, so I don't know if it includes ch. 32 or not.
Dave Washburn
A Bible that's falling apart means a life that isn't.
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