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orion Brill Publications on the DSS
Dear Orionites:
I think Orion's iniciative of listing the latest Brill publications
on the DSS is very useful, and will help every intrerested scholar to
be aware of the latest publication on the topic. But it will only be
useful on the condition that the information there presented is
accurate and up to date. This do not seems to be the case with the
first listing placed on Orion site.
It is not complete in so far as the number 32 of the Series STDJ
[D. Parry -E. Qi,mron, The Great Isaiah Scroll. A New Edition, Brill
1999, 109 pp. big format, ISBN 90 04 11277 4) appeared already some
time ago (the lastest number of this Series listed is number 31).
It is not accurate, and this could be misleiding. The latest
publication listed is the Study Edition (by myself and E.J.C.
Tigchelaar), which is ptresented as forthcoming in October 1999, with
approximately 1500 pages. Or, the Scond and last volume of this work
containing the edition and translation of 4Q274 - 11Q31, appeared
already in December 1998 [the first volume, with the edition and
translation of 1Q1 - 4Q273 was published in 1997]The total number of
page of both volumes, which are paginated seriatim, amount to 1360.
This means that the work is not forthcoming, but it has been
available for a couple of months
Also the first volume of The Dead Sea Scrolls after Fifty Years, by
Flint and VanderKam appeared in 1998, not in February 1999 as
May be Dr. Pinnick, who is doing all of us such a good service, can
start directly with the promissed up-dates of the list.
Witl all best wishes.
Florentino Garcia Martinez
For private reply, e-mail to "Florentino" <garcia@theol.rug.nl>
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