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Re: orion Deut 32:8 in the DSS
to Orion -
On Sun, 7 Feb 1999 06:52:26 GMT, flintpet@uniserve.com writes:
>>There has apparently been some confusion on some of these lists
>>lately regarding the status of Deuteronomy 32:8 and its
>>preservation in the Dead Sea Scrolls.
This list below doesn't agree in any great detail with the Index
from Wise, Abegg and Cook _Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation_.
I understand his are the only pieces now readable in English.
Is it that your list hasn't been translated? Please explain.
Tom Simms
>*Here are all the occurrences of material from Deut 32 inthe DSS:
>32:1-3 4QDeutb
>32:3 4QDeutc
>32:6-8, 10-11,
> 13-14, 33-35 4QpaleoDeutr
>32:7-8 4QDeutj
>32:9-10?, 37-43 4QDeutq
>32:17-18, 22-23, 25-27 4QDeutk1
>32:17-29 1QDeutb
>32:22? or 28:23? or 10:6? 4QpaleoDeutr
>Dr. Peter W. Flint
>Associate Professor of Religious Studies
>Dead Sea Scrolls Institute
>Dept. of Religious Studies
>Trinity Western University Tel. (604) 888-7511
>7600 Glover Road Fax. (604) 513-2094
>Langley, B C. V2Y 1Y1 email: flint@twu.ca
For private reply, e-mail to Tom Simms <tsimms@mailserv.nbnet.nb.ca>
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