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orion Research Grants
Orion Center Research Grants 1999-2000
The Orion Center invites applicants for research grants. The value of the
grant is $3000; preference is given to junior scholars.
The grants are for research on the Dead Sea Scrolls and associated
literature, in all relevant disciplines. Preference is given to
integrative studies involving the Scrolls and other aspects of Second
Temple period research, and to scholars whose research can only be carried
out in Israel.
1. Applications should be submitted in Hebrew or English to The Orion
Center, Rm. 6310, Humanities Building, Hebrew University, Mt. Scopus,
Jerusalem 90915 ISRAEL, in a sealed envelope marked "Grant Application".
The deadline is MARCH 15, 1999. The name of the applicant must appear on
each page.
2. A detailed description of the proposed research must be included,
outlining the method, goals and forthcoming publications.
3. Topic of research and a short description in English.
4. Curriculum vitae.
5. Names and addresses of two referees.
6. Form with personal details (may be obtained at the Orion Center).
The Orion Center Grants Commmittee
For private reply, e-mail to Avital Pinnick <mspinnik@mscc.huji.ac.il>
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