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orion Summer School announcement
The Institute for Advanced Studies at The Hebrew University announces:
The 9th Jerusalem Summer School in Jewish Studies on
In Its Historical Contexts
22 June - 1 July, 1999
Director: David B.Ruderman Co-Director: Isaiah Gafni
Ada Rapoport-Albert, University College, London
Israel Bartal, Hebrew University
Cornell Fleischer, University of Chicago
Moshe Idel, Hebrew University
Israel Knohl, Hebrew University
Bernard McGinn, University of Chicago
Ronit Meroz, Tel-Aviv University
Avi Ravitzky, Hebrew University
The Ninth Summer School will examine the historical contexts and impulses
that nurtured and at the same time frequently reshaped the concept of
messianism in Jewish life. The sessions will address the definitive stages
and at times diverse parallel strains of Jewish messianic fervor from
post-biblical times to the present, at all times noting contemporaneous
representations of messianism in Christian and Moslem societies. The role
of messianism as a political catalyst during crucial stages of Jewish
history, as well as its place in the emergence and subsequent development
of such movements as Hasidism, secular as well as religious Zionism, and
indeed even its contribution to the formulation of radical expressions of
utopian social restructuring will all be examined in a variety of formats:
lectures, text-oriented seminars and dialogues among members of the
faculty with student participation.
Applications: The School is intended for advanced graduates and
post-doctoral students. Registration fee: $280. Hotel accommodation: $400
+ VAT. Scholarships covering substantial portions of travel and
accommodation are available to qualified candidates. Candidates must send
a C.V., an abstract of research interests and a Letter of Recommendation.
For application forms write to:
The Jerusalem Summer School
Institute for Advanced Studies
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Givat Ram 91904, ISRAEL.
Fax: 972-2-6523429. E-mail: advanc@vms.huji.ac.il
Web Site: http://www.as.huji.ac.il/html/jewish.html
For private reply, e-mail to Avital Pinnick <mspinnik@mscc.huji.ac.il>
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