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Re: orion Essenes = 'osey hatorah?
Your two alternatives include some terms we haven't agreed upon, and these
two, I suggest, are not the only possibilities. Description, label, and
identifier can overlap somewhat. Also, though I guessed that Haredim is
somewhat parallel to Essenes in development (from generic to specific), the
former remains within Hebrew, which, unlike the Greek Essaioi
and--later?--Esshnoi, is a difference, only a partial analogy. Also, we
need not consider only before or after the long stretch of time in which
the Qumran texts were composed and copied: another option is that Philo's
source dates to a year within the time covered by Qumran mss.
best wishes,
For private reply, e-mail to stephen goranson <goranson@duke.edu>
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