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Re: orion Re: Birkat Ha-Minim
Dear Stephen,
I appreciate very much your help. thank you.
>Wm. Horbury. "The Benediction of the Minim and Early Jewish-Christian
>Controversy," JTS 33 (1982) 19-61. Reprinted, with other related
>discussion, in Horbury, _Jews and Christians in Contact and Controversy_
>(Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1998). (do I recall correctly a very critical
>review in JJS?)
>S. Goranson
>>Around the same time as Kimelman wrote, Horbury addressed many of the same
>>issues in an article in Journal of Theological Studies. I don't have the
>>exact reference at hand. Perhaps someone else does.
>>Al Baumgarten
>For private reply, e-mail to stephen goranson <goranson@duke.edu>
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For private reply, e-mail to Rolf Furuli <furuli@online.no>
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