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Re: orion 4Q521 and NT

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> W.J.deWit@stud.ggl.ruu.nl wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > This month I've started working on my 'doctoraalscriptie' (+/-
> > MA-dissertation) on "4Q521 and the New Testament". So I welcome suggestions
> > and bibliographical references concerning this topic.
> >
> > Faithfully, Willem-Jan de Wit (6th-year student of theology, University of
> > Utrecht (NL)

la bibliographie Orion d'Avital est certainement ce qui se fait de mieux

Néanmoins, bien modestement, voici une petite biblio sur 4Q521 que
j'avais sous la main :

Baumgarten J.M. 1994.
"Sadducean Elements in Qumran Law", in The Community of the Renewed
Covenant. The Notre Dame Symposium on the Dead Sea Scrolls. éd(s). :
Eugene Ulrich
     and James VanderKam. Notre Dame (USA). 27-36

Becker, M. 1997
"4Q521 und die Gesalbten", Revue de Qumran 18/1. 73-96

Collins, J.J. 1994 
"Messiah in Context: Method in the Study of Messianism in the Dead Sea
Scrolls", in Methods of Investigation of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the
Khirbet Qumran Site. Present Realities and Future Prospects. éd(s). : 
Michael O. Wise, Norman Golb, John J. Collins and Dennis G. Pardee. New
York. 213-227

Collins, J.J. 1994.
"The Works of the Messiah", Dead Sea Discoveries 1/1. 98-112

Collins, J.J. 1995.
"^ÓHe Shall not Judge by What His Eyes See^Ô: Messianic Authority in the
Dead Sea Scrolls", Dead Sea Discoveries 2/2. 98-112

Garcia Martinez, F. 1993
"Notas al margen de ^ÑThe Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered^Ò", Revue de Qumran
16/1. 123-150

Garcia Martinez, F. 1995
"Messianic Hope in the Qumran Writings", in The People of the Dead Sea
Scroll. Their Writings, Beliefs and Practices. éds : Florentino Garcia
and Julio Trebolle Barrera. Leyde, New York, Cologne. 159-189

Garcia Martinez, F. 1996
"Two Messianic Figures in the Qumran Texts", in Current Research and
Technological Development on the Dead Sea Scrolls.éd(s). : Donal W.
Parry and Stephen D. Ricks. Leyde, New York, Cologne. 14-40

Maier, J. 1996
"Messias oder Gesalbter ? Zu einem Übersetzungs- und Deutungsproblem in
den Qumrantexten", Revue de Qumran 17/1-4. 585-612

Puech, É. 1992
"Une apocalypse messianique (4Q521)", Revue de Qumran 15/4. 475-519

Puech, É. 1994
"Messianism, Resurrection, and Eschatology at Qumran and in the New
Testament" in The Community of the Renewed Covenant. The Notre Dame
Symposium on the Dead Sea Scrolls. éd(s). : Eugene Ulrich  and James
VanderKam. Notre Dame (USA). 235-256

 Puech, É. 1996
"Les manuscrits de la mer Morte et le Nouveau Terstament" in Qoumrân et
les Manuscrits de la mer Morte. Un cinquantenaire. éd(s). : E.-M.
Laperrousaz. Paris. 253-313

 Puech, É. 1996
"Les Esséniens croyaient-ils à la résurrection ?" in Qoumrân et les
Manuscrits de la mer Morte. Un cinquantenaire. éd(s). : E.-M.
Laperrousaz. Paris. 409-440

VanderKam, James C. 1994
"Messianism in the Scrolls" in The Community of the Renewed Covenant.
The Notre Dame Symposium on the Dead Sea Scrolls. éd(s). : Eugene Ulrich
and James VanderKam. Notre Dame (USA). 21-234

Toujours critique !
Et bon courage !


Christophe Batsch
11 cité Voltaire F-75011 Paris
tel :	 01 43 67 65 63
mel :	batsch@club-internet.fr