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orion Malachi Martin
Dear Colleagues: In connection with some work I'm doing I've recently been
reading Malachi Martin's 1958 study, *The Scribal Character of the Dead
Sea Scrolls*. The book is a very thorough study of scribal techniques in
some of the earliest-published scrolls. I find his discussion of the
evidence for "scribal schools" to me very illuminating. Can members of
this list point me to any major criticisms of Martin's study that have
focused on scribal technigues in light of more recent knowledge? Thanks
for any help. Marty Jaffee, U of Washington
Martin S. Jaffee University of Washington
Prof. & Chair, Comparative Religion Box 353650
Prof., Jewish Studies Seattle, WA 98195
Phone: 206-543-9846 FAX: 206-685-0668
Rabbi Eleazar Hakappar used to say: You were conceived without being
consulted, you were born without being consulted, you live without being
consulted, and you'll die without being consulted. And without being
consulted, you are going to account for yourself before the King of Kings
of Kings, The Blessed Holy One. (Avot 4:29)
He did NOT say: "Have a nice day!"