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orion angel of peace and Melchizedek

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Avital Pinnick	

From: Marcus Wood <M.E.M.Wood@durham.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, 18 Nov 1998 10:22:35 -0000


I'm doing some work on the background of the picture of Melchizedek found 
in the Scrolls. At the moment I'm interested in the description of him as 
Melek Salem (i.e. King of Salem) in Gen. 14 and a possible change to Malaak 
Shalom (Angel of Peace), i.e. with an Aleph inserted, which would more 
naturally lead to the angelic redeemer figure found in the Scrolls.

I've checked the Graphic Concordance and Malaak Shalom appears in one 
instance, at 3Q8 (slightly reconstructed) but the text is miniscule! The 
biblical evidence is also inconclusive. Malaakey Shalom is found in Is. 
33.7 but the context there is secular, that is messengers of peace. Does 
anyone know if there is a background for an Angel of Peace elsewhere in 
Intertestamental lit.? The list of Angels in Jubilees does not include the 
title and I don't know where to look next.

Marcus Wood BA MA

Department of Theology          Tel: UK (0)191 374 3254
University of Durham            E-Mail: M.E.M.Wood@durham.ac.uk
Palace Green
Durham DH1 3RS