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RE: orion What comes after the Nash papyrus?
Ernst Wuerthwein, in The Text of the Old Testament, lists some Geniza
fragments from the Old Cairo Synagogue, the earliest of which may go back to
the 5th century CE, and two manuscripts from the Ben Asher family: Codex
Cairensis (written and pointed in 895 by Moshe ben Asher) and the Aleppo
Codex from the tenth century. Wuerthwein notes that the latter may have
been destroyed by fire, but apparently it was only dammaged and is currently
(as of 1996) on display in the Shrine of the Book.
David Suter
Saint Martin's College
> ----------
> From: asia@checkpoint.com[SMTP:asia@checkpoint.com]
> Reply To: orion@mscc.huji.ac.il
> Sent: Friday, October 23, 1998 11:49 AM
> To: orion@mscc.huji.ac.il
> Subject: orion What comes after the Nash papyrus?
> To the mavens of this forum :
> Prior to the finding of DSS, the oldest known Biblical manuscript was the
> Nash papyrus found at the turn of the century, containing the ten
> commandments. Does anybody know what was the second oldest manuscript,
> again prior to DSS? What was the third oldest?
> Thank you very much, Asia Lerner