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Re: orion Hemerobaptists

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Sorry for not posting timely re: this thread initiated by Rolf Furuli.

Althourgh any identification of a given baptist sect would be disputable due
to the application of the same names to different sects and different names
to the same sect, some general picture may be reconstructed.
See, apart from the already mentioned old, but still very useful book by
Joseph Thomas (Le mouvement baptiste en Palestine et Syrie (150 av. J.-C. --
300 ap. J.-C.). Gembloux: J. Duculot, 1935 (Universitas Catholica
Lovaniensis. Dissertationes ad graduum magistri: in Facultate Theologica vel
in Fac. Iuris Canonici consequendum conscriptae. Ser. II, t. 28), XXVIII,
455 p.), especially:

Kurt Rudolph. Zu den Ueberlieferungen ueber fruehjuedische und -christliche
Taufsekten. Berlin, 1981 (Sitzungsberichte des Saechs. Akad. der Wiss. zu
Leipzig. Philol.-hist. Kl., Bd. 121, H. 4). 37 S.

Stanley J. Isser. The Dositheans. A Samaritan Sect in Late Antiquity.
Leiden: Brill, 1976 (Studies in Judaism in Late Antiquity, vol. 17). X, [2],
223 p. [Very important for all the Samaritan sects. For Samaritans in
general see also a great vol. ed. by Alan D. Crown: The Samaritans.
Tuebingen 1989, especially pp. 293-389: J. Fossum. Samaritan Sects and

A new book of great importance:

Daniel Vigne. Christ au Jourdain. Le Baptême de Jésus dans la tradition
paléochrétienne. Paris: Gabalda, 1992 (Etudes bibliques, n.s., no. 16). 362 p.

There are some other publications re. Elchasaism and early Manichaeism (a
relatively updated bibliography may be found in Vigne). The information
available helps to understand how many sects practicised an everyday
"baptism", but it is not sufficient, as far as I know, to understand who
were the hemerobaptists mentined in a given list of the heresies.

Basil Lourie

St.Petersburg Society for
Byzantine and Slavic Studies


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