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orion 4Q457
Dear Christophe,
I have edited 4Q457 for DJD 29. I understand from Emanuel Tove that this
volume is in advanced stages of preparation.
Esther Chazon
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Date: Thu, 03 Sep 1998 10:32:57 +0100
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Dear orioners,
at the july 1995 IOQS forum, E. Glickler Chazon made a communication
entitled :"4Q 457 : Preliminary Publication and Interpretation"
Does anybody know where I could find the text of this communication ?
Thanks to all
Christophe BATSCH
doctorant +cole Pratique des Hautes +tudes - VPme Section, La Sorbonne,
(anthropologie religieuse et histoire des religions)
11 citU Voltaire F-75011 Paris.