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RE: orion qumran tefillin

From: Marcus Wood <M.E.M.Wood@durham.ac.uk>
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 1998 10:31:02 +0100

>From VanderKam, "The Dead Sea Scrolls Today": 33

"Although they are not copies (in a technical sense) of biblical books, 
tefillin (or phylacteries) and mezuzot are small parchments containing 
passages from Exodus and Deuteronomy (including Exod 12:43-13:16; Deut 
5:1-6:9; 10:12-11:21; and at times from Deuteronomy 32). The tefillin were 
and still are placed in small boxes tied to the head or left arm, while 
mezuzot are attached to the doorpost of a house. They were made to fulfil 
the scriptural requirement about the words God had commanded Israel: 'Bind 
them as a sign on your hand, fix them as an emblem [or: frontlet] on your 
forehead, and write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates" 
(Deut 6:8-9). A large number of these were found at Qumran and other sites 
in the Judean wilderness. From Cave 4 a total of twenty-one tefillin were 
recovered (4Q128-48), one from Cave 1, three from Cave 5 (though they could 
not be opened), and one from Cave 8. Four others came from another cave but 
no one knows which one. Mezuzot are fewer: seven from Cave 4 (4Q149-55) and 
one from Cave 8. The scriptural passages in them can vary from the wording 
in the traditional (Masoretic) Hebrew text, and at times these variants 
agree with readings in other ancient versions of the Bible."

I know this is a bit basic, but then that's occasionally what people want 
;). Doubtless, others will fill you in on the more important aspects ...

Marcus Wood BA MA

Department of Theology		Tel: UK (0)191 374 3254
University of Durham		E-Mail: M.E.M.Wood@durham.ac.uk
Palace Green
Durham DH1 3RS

-----Original Message-----
From:	TL Phillips [SMTP:tiphillips@infoave.net]
Sent:	Thursday, July 16, 1998 12:58 AM
To:	orion@mscc.huji.ac.il
Subject:	orion qumran tefillin


My reference resources are a little limited, so if anyone
can help....

I have seen pictures of several tefillin found at Qumran,
and they indeed are different than the modern equivalents,
though following the idea of four division or compartments
within the case.

What I was wondering were any found with all four scripture
passages intact; if they are the same as the passages of
modern tefillin sets; and was there any set order within the

Feel free to elaborate. I am aware of Yadin's book, and if
anyone would like to buy it for me and send it ;-), I'll
give you the address.

Tim Phillips