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Re: orion The Diverse Cemetery of Qumran

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^ÓThe first 20 of de Vaux's cemetery excavations did not note the gender
of the remains, according to Humbert's publication of de Vaux's notes."
- S. Peterson 

^ÓHumbert^Òs Pubication^Ô was indeed of DeVaux^Òs notes but did not include
the report of the bone examiner^Òs report except for the 1956 season. A
summary of the bone examiner^Òs report was included in DeVaux^Òs
preliminary report for the excavations of 1949 (tombs 1-2) and 1951
(tombs 3-11): Revue Biblique 60 (1953) pp 95, 102-103. A similar summary
for 1953 (tombs 12-19) and 1956 (tombs 20-37; south cemetery tombs 1-4):
RB 61 (1954) p 207; RB 63 (1956) pp 569-72). I shall be adding this data
to the English edition of Humbert^Òs publication.

Appreciating your interest.

Stephen Pfann