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orion web site news

Photos of 3rd Symposium

Some of the photographs of participants in the 3rd International Orion
Symposium have been recaptioned on our web site. Most of the
"unidentified" now have names.

Orion Library Donation

We wish to thank Eyal Regev for a copy of his offprint, 
"The Sin of the Priests of Nov according to the Book of Biblical
Antiquities." Beit-Mikra 152 (1998): 53-66. (in Hebrew)

It has been added to the Orion Library in the Scholars Room, rm. 6115,
Humanities Wing, Mt. Scopus, Hebrew University.

Dr. Avital Pinnick
Chief of Publications
Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
http://orion.mscc.huji.ac.il   -  Scrolls bibliography updated weekly
tel: 972-2-588-2063; fax: 972-2-588-3584